
to the Lonesome Pine Office on Youth! Our purpose is to prepare youth and adults to be active, self-sufficient and productive citizens.


to academic supports and safe crime-free communities -- fostering always the development of healthy families and children! Learn more

Preparing Youth

to be active, self-sufficient and productive citizens! ...

About Us ...

Thank you for visiting our site today!

We are a private, non-profit agency dedicated to delinquency prevention and youth development programs as a process of community development.  We were established in 1980 and serve Wise, Lee and Scott counties and the City of Norton.

Lonesome Pine Office on Youth identifies conditions in communities that place children and families at risk.  We mobilize community members to develop creative ways to change these conditions, while preventing juvenile delinquency.

Our services include planning and coordination of youth programs in the areas of juvenile delinquency, education, recreation, employment, health and community development.

Our Programs

Programs currently offered include:

    Professional Parent Services, KIDS, Strengthening Families Program, Nurturing Parenting, Parenting Wisely, Mentor Program, Family Liaison, #LIFE, and School Essay Contests.

Our programs are diverse; we hope you will take the time to review them.

Learn more about our Programs

Lonesome Pine Office on Youth
Big Stone Gap, VA

Serving counties of Wise, Lee, Scott and the City of Norton.